Whether you're building a small deck for your home, or breaking ground on a completely vacant lot, make sure you have all the information you need before undergoing a construction project. The following pages include everything you need to get started on the right foot.
Interim Control By-law

The Interim Control By-law prohibits the erection of any structure, such as a boathouse, retaining wall, deck, fence, or sign in the shoreline area.
Development Charges By-law Update

Learn about the review and update of the Development Charges By-law 20-084 which was passed in 2020 and will expire January 1st, 2026.
Construction on the Beach

Learn what's required for construction on a beach/shoreline.
Building on a Vacant Lot
Read Tiny's requirements for vacant lot development, including how to determine if a lot is "buildable".
Additions & Accessory Structures

Find information to assist with the process of building an addition or accessory structure (detached garage, shed or deck).

Find resources to aid in determining if a property qualifies for severance.
Additional Dwelling Units

Check guidelines for additional dwelling units (second units) on your property.