Please find below a list of Planning Applications and a brief explanation of each.
Before making an application, please contact the Township Planning Department to pre-consult and determine if you have all the information required and to answer any questions that you may have. You may be required to complete and submit a Pre-consultation Request Form (PDF).
Pre-consultation Request Form (PDF)
Section E.10 Pre-Consultation and Complete Application of the Township of Tiny Official Plan states that prior to the submission of an application for an Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment, Site Plan Control and/or an application for Subdivision/Condominium approval, the person requesting the amendment or approval shall pre-consult with the Township. Pre-consultation may also be required prior to the submission of other planning applications to the Township (this includes Consents).
The pre-consultation meeting allows the applicant and/or their representatives to present and discuss their development proposal with Township staff and also provides staff the opportunity to clarify the application process, provide preliminary comments on the development proposal, identify key issues and the approvals that will be required and confirm the supporting information/materials that must be submitted with the planning application in accordance with the Township of Tiny’s Official Plan policies in order to be considered a complete application under the Planning Act.
Complete and return the Pre-consultation Request Form, the supporting submission material and fee to the Planning Department. Upon receipt of a completed Pre-consultation Request Form and all required/supplementary information, Township staff will schedule a pre-consultation meeting between the applicant and Township/agency staff.
Certificate of Cancellation Application (PDF)
This is an application for an owner to request a Certificate of Cancellation of a previous Consent (i.e. a lot created by severance consent approval given by the Committee of Adjustment). The Certificate would provide that subsection 50(12) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P. 13 as amended does not apply to the subject land. The result of the Certificate would allow for the merging of the subject land with an adjacent parcel or parcels of land.
Consent to Sever Application (PDF)
Consent is a term used to describe the municipal approval process required to subdivide land without the need for a plan of subdivision. Generally, the creation of three new lots or less from any one parcel of land is done through a consent application. Consent applications considered through the Committee of Adjustment can deal with new lot creation, easements, lot additions, transfers, leases, charges and/or corrections of title.
Consents are reviewed and decided upon by the Committee of Adjustment, a Committee appointed by Council for this purpose. An application may be approved, approved with conditions, or denied. Ultimately, all decisions are at the discretion of the Committee. Each consent is considered on a site-by-site basis, and every application is unique. The application and approval process for a straightforward consent application typically takes two to three months. This process includes a 20-day appeal period, which begins after notice of a Committee's decision has been given.
The public meetings are normally scheduled for the first Monday of the month or at the call of the Chair.
Only the applicant, the Minister or a specified person or public body (as those terms are defined in the Planning Act) that has an interest in the matter are permitted to appeal any decision of the Committee of Adjustment to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT). If an application is approved, the applicant has two years to fulfill any conditions imposed by the Committee.
Application to Deem Lots on a Registered Plan of Subdivision (PDF)
This application is required for an owner(s) requesting the creation of a property as a result of the merging of two or more lots in an existing Plan of Subdivision.
In order to facilitate the merging of the subject lots on a Plan of Subdivision (only), a Lot Deeming By-law is required in accordance with the Planning Act. Council may by by-law designate any plan of subdivision, or part thereof, which has been registered for eight years or more, which shall be deemed not to be a registered plan of subdivision.
Pre-consultation with the Planning & Development Department is recommended prior to the submission of an Application.
Application for Draft Plan Approval for Subdivisions/Condominiums (PDF)
This application, as may be required by the Official Plan, is required for an owner(s) to submit to propose the division of land into three or more parcels in accordance with the Planning Act. This means of subdividing land requires approval of a plan of subdivision from the approval authority. Subdivision approval ensures that:
- the land is suitable for its proposed new use
- the proposal conforms to the official plan and zoning, as well as to county and provincial legislation and policies
- you, your neighbours and your community are consulted to review the proposed subdivision layout and ensure development is not inappropriate or puts an undue strain on community facilities or services
The County of Simcoe is the approval authority for draft plans of subdivision.
Pre-consultation with the Planning & Development Department and the County of Simcoe (approval authority) is recommended prior to the submission of an Application.
Application for Extension or Revision to a Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision/Condominium (PDF)
This Application is required for an owner (s) that has a Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision when an extension to the approval or revisions to the plan are proposed. Once a Draft Approval for a Plan of Subdivision has been issued by the approval authority, the applicant is required to apply for an extension prior to the lapsing date of the approval, if conditions of approval have not been met and the plan has not yet been registered.
Alternatively, this Application is to be submitted to apply for any Revision to the Draft Approval of the Plan of Subdivision Plan through submission of an Application.
The County of Simcoe is the approval authority for extensions or revisions to draft plans of subdivision.
Pre-consultation with the Planning & Development Department and the County of Simcoe (approval authority) is recommended prior to the submission of an Application.
Application for Holding Symbol Removal (PDF)
This application is required for an owner(s) to request removal of a Holding Symbol (H) on their property. Under the Planning Act, a Council can use a holding symbol 'H' on a property to implement a Holding Zone. Holding Zones are often used when there are outstanding details of development to be determined or finalized prior to proceeding with further use or development on the lands.
The Holding Symbol stipulates conditions to be addressed to the satisfaction of the Township/Council prior to building permit issuance. Once conditions have been met, a property owner can submit an Application for Holding Symbol Removal to Council for consideration.
The Township of Tiny is the approval authority for removal of Holding Symbols. Pre-consultation with the Planning & Development Department is recommended prior to the submission of an Application.
Minor Variance Application (PDF)
A minor variance is a tool that can be used by landowners when the requirements of the Zoning By-law cannot be met for one reason or another. Minor variances are reviewed and decided upon by the Committee of Adjustment, a Committee appointed by Council for this purpose. An application may be approved, approved with conditions, or denied. Ultimately, all decisions are at the discretion of the Committee.
The Committee of Adjustment considers the merits of an application based on four tests:
- That the variance conforms to the Township Official Plan;
- That the variance conforms to the general intent and purpose of the Township Zoning By-law;
- That the variance is desirable for the appropriate development and use of the land; and
- That the variance is minor in nature.
Each minor variance is considered on a site-by-site basis, and every application is unique. The process for a simple minor variance application typically takes two to three months. This process includes a 20-day appeal period, which begins after the decision of the Committee has been made.
The public meetings are normally scheduled for the first Monday of the month or at the call of the Chair.
Only the applicant, the Minister or a specified person or public body (as those terms are defined in the Planning Act) that has an interest in the matter are permitted to appeal any decision of the Committee of Adjustment to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT).
Official Plan Amendment Application (PDF)
A site-specific amendment to an Official Plan policy, or map amendment, requires Council's approval. The Official Plan amendment process can take one year from application to final approval by the County of Simcoe. In considering an application for an Official Plan amendment, staff assess the conformity of the proposal to the Provincial Policy Statement, Growth Plan, the County of Simcoe Official Plan and any other applicable planning policies as well as the appropriateness of the development. The Planning Act sets out the legislative requirements, including a public consultation process, which must be met prior to the passing of an Official Plan amendment.
A basic application fee is required to cover normal costs incurred in processing an Official Plan amendment application. For further information on fees, the process or the application form, please contact the Planning Department. You can also speed up the process by downloading the amendment form below, titled "Official Plan Amendment Application".
Application to Request the Construction of a Dwelling while Occupying the Existing Dwelling (PDF)
This application is required for an owner(s) wanting to retain and occupy their existing home until such time as the new dwelling is constructed.
As the Township's Zoning By-law permits a maximum of one single detached dwelling on a property, its proposed replacement would require demolition/removal of the existing structure prior to issuance of the building permit for the new home. An owner of the property can request the construction of a dwelling while Occupying the Existing Dwelling. If approved by the Township, an agreement is entered into with the Township with terms that specify the timing of removals and the posting of a security to ensure same.
Application for Site Plan Control Approval (PDF)
This application is required for an owner(s) to develop residential, intuitional, commercial or industrial uses or expansions to existing development, as may be required.
The Planning Act grants the authority to the Township to include in its Official Plan areas to be designated as “areas of Site Plan Control." This authority provides a process that examines the design and technical aspects of a proposed development to ensure it is attractive and compatible with the surrounding area and looks at matters such as building designs, site access and servicing, waste storage, stormwater management/lot grading, lighting, parking, loading and landscaping.
Pre-consultation with the Planning & Development Department is recommended prior to the submission of an Application.
Zoning By-law Amendment Application (PDF)
Occasionally, development proposals do not comply with either the permitted uses or the locational criteria of the Zoning By-law. Significant deviations from the Zoning By-law will require an Zoning By-law amendment. The Zoning By-law amendment process can take three to six months from application to final approval. In considering an application for a Zoning By-law amendment, staff assess the conformity of the proposal to the Provincial Policy Statement, Growth Plan, the Regional and local Official Plans and any other applicable planning policies as well as the appropriateness of the development. The Planning Act sets out the legislative requirements, including a public consultation process, which must be met prior to the passing of a Zoning By-law Amendment.
A basic application fee is required to cover normal costs incurred in processing a Zoning By-law amendment application. For further information on fees, the process or the application form, please contact the Planning Department. You can also speed up the process by downloading the amendment form below, titled "Zoning By-law Amendment Application".