Corporate and Master Plans include important directions and actions for the implementation of the Township of Tiny's Strategic Plan priorities and the overall community planning process. These long-term plans provide a strategic framework that is used to organize and align the Township's programs, projects and service delivery.
Asset Management Policy
In accordance with section 3(1) of Ontario Regulation 588/17: Asset Management Planning for Municipal Infrastructure under the Infrastructure for Jobs and Prosperity Act, 2015 (O. Reg. 588/17), the Township of Tiny has updated the asset management policy which outlines the guidelines and practices of the Asset Management Plan.
Tiny Township Asset Management Policy
Asset Management Plan
In accordance with section 5(1) of Ontario Regulation 588/17: Asset Management Planning for Municipal Infrastructure under the Infrastructure for Jobs and Prosperity Act, 2015 (O. Reg. 588/17), the Township of Tiny has updated the asset management plan to include all the 2024 legislative requirements. This includes the state of infrastructure, current level of service, and lifecycle costs associated with current levels of service for all assets, as well as growth impacts. In addition, a financial strategy has been included in the 2024 asset management plan update.
The Balm Beach Master Plan was developed to provide the basics for managing the future use, maintenance and development of the public lands in the Balm Beach area. Re-Development and Improvements were brought forward in 2009.
Bluewater Beach is a 17.95 acre park that features the naturally sensitive Bluewater Sand Dunes. Approximately 12 acres of the total area comprises the dunes, which are fenced off and appropriately signed, to prohibit access and to protect this ecologically sensitive area.
The Township of Tiny is committed to the environment, and has a Climate Change Action Plan developed with assistance from the Severn Sound Environmental Association (SSEA).
In 2017, the municipality engaged T.J. Wieclawek Consulting to undertake a Master Fire Plan (MFP) examining all aspects of the municipality's fire service operations. As a result of the 46 recommendations made by the consultant, a recommended action plan for each item was presented to and approved by Council. The Master Fire Plan and the recommended actions can be found at the link below.
In 2022, the Township of Tiny completed an IT Master Plan that included a comprehensive assessment of existing information and communication technologies, policies and procedures.
The IT Master Plan and the recommended actions can be found at the link below.
Jackson Beach Park is a 16.27 acres beach park at D’Aoust Bay and is the location of Tiny’s single public boat launch.
- Jackson Park Master Plan (PDF)
- Jackson Park Master Plan - Final Recommendations (PDF)
- Resolution 791/99 - Master Plan Adoption (PDF)
The Township of Tiny’s public boat launch is located at Jackson Park, 1 Marina Road.
In 2011, Council received a master plan for Lafontaine Beach. This plan was developed in tandem with a parallel Shoreline Restoration Study.
Visit the links below to view information relating to the Lafontaine Beach Park, Beach Water Quality Improvements - Class EA Environmental Study.
- Resolution 366-14 LA Class EA - Permitting Design (PDF)
- Lafontaine Beach Master Plan Notice of Study Completion (PDF)
- Public Works Report PWR-29-13 and Resolution 362/13, Preferred Alternative (PDF)
- Lafontaine Shoreline Restoration Study Presentation dated June 24, 2013 (PDF)
- Lafontaine Shoreline Restoration Study Technical Report May 29, 2013 (PDF)
- Lafontaine Beach Park Class EA Natural Environment Report June 2013 (PDF)
- Minutes of PIC (Public Information Centre) #1, August 25, 2012 (PDF)
- Comment Sheet (PDF) - Comments will be received until September 25, 2012
- Coldwater Consulting Shoreline Restoration Presentation, August 25, 2012 (PDF)
- Shoreline Restoration Study Presentation, August 25, 2012 (PDF)
- Lafontaine Beach Park Class EA Presentation, August 25, 2012 (PDF)
- Coastal Summary Report (PDF)
- Draft Shoreline Restoration Report (PDF)
- Shoreline Restoration Study - Technical Report (PDF)
The Township is committed to exploring opportunities to enhance senior services. Creating a community where older people are valued and can enjoy good health, happiness, and fulfillment is our priority. As a result, the Township completed a local aging study in 2017.
The Local Aging Plan is a collection of goals and objectives in eight domains with strategies to improve the overall well-being and quality of life for older adults across the Township.
The Master Plan is a high level document that addresses the need of all municipal parks and recreation services for, and their delivery to, Tiny residents to the end of its timeframe – 2029.
- 2017-19 Parks & Recreation Master Plan (Executive Summary) (PDF)
- 2017-19 Parks & Recreation Master Plan (Essential Reading Guide) (PDF)
- 2017-19 Parks & Recreation Master Plan (PDF)
Notable Motions:
The Township of Tiny prepared a Trails and Active Transportation Master Plan in 2011 and completed a Trails Wayfinding Master Plan in 2016. This plan provides a comprehensive system of signage designed to orient trail users and provide clear directional information along a signed network of trails and cycling routes. The signage and trail information supports and compliments the overall image of the Township of Tiny, the Tiny Rail Trail, and aligns with supportive signage programs being developed by and implemented by project partners such as Simcoe County and Regional Tourism Organization 7 (RTO7).
In April 2022, the Township of Tiny selected Blackline to assist with completing an organizational review. Tiny has been experiencing growth in demand for its services in recent years, stemming largely from an expanding permanent resident population and more visitors to the municipality. However, the township has not substantially increased its staffing levels to address the service pressures. To read the full details click on the button included below.
Township of Tiny Organizational ReviewThe Tiny Trails and Active Transportation Master Plan was adopted by Council on September 26, 2011 via Motion 605/11.
Please click on the link below entitled "Tiny Trails and Active Transportation Master Plan" to view the complete plan.
The Transportation Master Plan was completed in order to help guide future road development within the Township. It was approved on November 24, 2021.
In 2009, Council received the Woodland Beach Master Plan and instructed staff to implement the plan.
The Township of Tiny completed a Master Plan for Wyevale Park in 2015. The Master Plan provides a vision for the future of the park that strengthens the Park’s uniqueness and provides recreational opportunities across all of the Township of Tiny.