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Buying Property in Tiny

I am in the process of purchasing a house/cottage in the Township of Tiny; how do I request relevant information?

Municipal Compliance Letter

A municipal compliance letter (MCL) can be requested by a lawyer representing a purchaser as part of a sales transaction or a property owner. A MCL will include information such as:

  • Relevant zoning information
  • ​Municipal water availability
  • Road status
  • Building permit information/status
  • Relevant Treasury Department information​

A MCL takes approximately 10 business days to complete. The Township requires the written request with the applicable fee in our office to start this process. Please refer to the Township's current Fee By-law.

Sewage System File Search

A sewage system file search contains information about existing Sewage Systems and any associated orders or complaints. 

The Sewage System Record Search Request Form (PDF) is usually submitted by real estate lawyers during the purchase/sale of a property. If the owner is not requesting the search themselves then an agent authorization letter needs to accompany the search request or a signed real estate listing in the case of a real estate agent request. 

Please refer to the Township's current Fee By-law for applicable fees.

Building in the Township of Tiny

Whether you have questions about zoning, the possibility of severance or are seeking to understand the building application process, there is significant information available that can assist you. Take the time to review our Building in Tiny resources to gain information on the types of considerations you should include in your planning and what processes will be required to see your plans through. 

Frequently Asked Questions