130 Balm Beach Road West
Tiny, Ontario L0L 2J0
Phone: (705) 526-4204
Fax: (705) 526-2372
Toll Free: 1 866-939-TINY(8469)
Office Hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday.
List of Departments and Staff Contacts
The Building Department is responsible for the enforcement of the Ontario Building Code Act and Ontario Building Code. The Department processes building permit applications, completes plans review and conducts field inspections. The Building Department is also responsible for enforcing compliance on construction projects built without a permit. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to call, e-mail or write us.
For additional information, By-law 22-030 deals with Construction, Demolition, Change of Use and Inspections.
The Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) assists Council in their decision-making by ensuring that the necessary information and policies have been provided to them. The CAO acts as a liaison between staff and elected officials and provides direction on the day-to-day management and administrative operations within the organization.
The Clerk's Department oversees the statutory obligations of the Municipal Act and provides administrative support to Council and Committees of Council, including Agenda preparation and follow-up on actions arising from meetings. The Clerk's Department organizes the municipal election every four years and oversees corporate communications.
The Director of Corporate Services/Deputy CAO oversees Financial Services and Information Technology Departments.
The Corporate Services Department provides financial services to Township Council, the Public and Township Departments, as well as internal IT support and services. Primary responsibilities include:
- Providing information, reports, analysis and guidance to Council, the Public and Township Departments regarding financial operations of the Township.
- Establishing, developing and maintaining accounting systems and procedures relating to financial activities for Township operations.
- Billing and collecting of municipal taxes.
- Preparation of Township operating and capital budgets.
- Processing accounts receivable, accounts payable and payroll.
- Acts as lead department relative to Township's purchasing function.
- Investing and borrowing of funds.
- Issue debentures relating to capital projects.
- Preparing Township's annual financial statements.
- Lead Department in the Administration of the Development Charges Act.
Our Mission Statement: - To Serve the citizens of the Township of Tiny, protecting life and property from fire, hazards, and other emergencies through, accredited emergency response training, aggressive public education and enforcement.
The Township of Tiny Fire Department has grown significantly since its inception in 1960. Operating out of five fire stations, its complement of 80 committed volunteer firefighters provide a broad range of both emergency and non-emergency services.
The department is currently comprised of a Fire Chief, Deputy Fire Chief, Division Chief, District Chief, five Station Captains, ten Lieutenants, two Public Education Officers, a Fire Office Coordinator and approximately seventy firefighters.
The department responds to approximately 350 emergency calls each year and operates six Pumpers, five Tankers, two Rescue Units, a brush truck, one utility vehicle and a Gator.
The Municipal Law Enforcement Department enforces the by-laws approved by the Township of Tiny Council, such as Noise, Dog Licensing, Kennel licences, Business licences, Permit parking, Fire permits, Clean yards, Raffle/Nevada/Bingo licences, Dog tags etc.
The Department consists of three (3) Full Time Permanent Municipal Enforcement Officers. During the summer, the Township of Tiny recruits students to assist in enforcement of By-laws.
The Planning and Development Department is responsible for formulating policies and regulations as they relate to land use in the Township of Tiny and all land use planning functions, including the maintenance and upkeep of the Township's Official Plan and Comprehensive Zoning By-law. The Department processes all planning applications as it relates to the development of properties in the Township and also provides general information to the public in response to telephone, counter and written inquiries.
The Public Works Department is responsible for maintaining Township owned parks, road ways and water systems. This department provides services such as snow plow operations, beach maintenance, entrance permits, road signs, street lights, fallen trees, water connections, etc.
The Recreation and Special Events Department will operate and promote Township of Tiny recreation programs and special events in a manner that is cost effective and responsive to the needs of the public, staff and Council. The Department maintains positive external relationships with service clubs, third party recreation service providers and community members who utilize the departments services by focusing on a high standard of customer service. Through the promotion of volunteerism, the department aims to remain fiscally responsible with its service delivery model while fostering a vibrant community spirit and healthy lifestyles.
The Recreation and Special Events Department is currently comprised of five full-time permanent staff: Director of Recreation and Special Events, Community Recreation Coordinator, Special Events and Volunteer Coordinator, Recreation Services Coordinator, Recreation Administrative Coordinator, and approximately 300 volunteers. During the summer, the Department recruits students to assist in delivering summer programming: camps, soccer, swimming, and the mobile skate park.
There are no municipal sewers in the Township of Tiny. Properties are to be serviced by private septic systems.
The Township is responsible for all approvals relating to septic systems and holding tanks, and ensuring that these private sewage systems are operating properly. The Township has retained the services of Tatham Engineering Limited to act as the approval agent for all sewage system related approvals.
Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (noon) Winter Hours: January - March Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
130 Balm Beach Road West (side entrance)
Tiny, Ontario, L0L 2J0Animal Control services is responsible for issues related to dogs running at large or dog bite/attacks. This service is provided by Huronia Animal Control, #254 Macavalley Road, Tiny, Ontario, L9M 1R2
Randy BidanPosition: Animal Control OfficerPhone: 705-549-2289