Block Party Online Application

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Block party organizer(s) / applicants:

Barricades and signage are to be placed in front of:

House #: and
House #:
House #: and
House #:

You must have permission from 75% of the neighbours who are affected by the street closure. Please include the completed “Permission to Block the Street” form (on Page 2) with this application.

Terms and Conditions
  1. The Applicant(s) must comply with all guidelines outlined in the Block Party Program.
  2. The Applicant(s) must review the Block Party Planning Guide available at
  3. The Applicant(s) will be responsible for arranging tables for food, BBQs, coolers, and clean-up at the end of the event. The Applicant agrees to remove garbage and equipment following the event and leave the street/municipal property in the same condition it was received. The street/municipal property is to be vacated within one hour of the time indicated on the application.
  4. The Applicant(s) is responsible for any loss or damage to barricades or signage.
  5. When setting up tables and chairs, the applicant(s) will ensure that emergency vehicles have access to the street.
  6. Alcohol is only permitted on private property, NOT on Township streets or municipal property (i.e. parks). Loud amplification of music is prohibited. Municipal By-law Enforcement will be informed of the Block Party and will patrol periodically and at its discretion.
  7. The Township of Tiny will not be responsible for injury or damage or for the loss or theft of any personal belongings or equipment of the Applicant(s) or organization, or anyone in attendance at the event. All merchandise supplied and/or equipment used by or for the Applicant shall be at and remain solely at the Applicant’s risk. The Township of Tiny shall not be responsible for the care or safekeeping thereof or any damages thereto by any cause whatsoever, unless expressly provided in writing.
The undersigned agrees to indemnify the Corporation of the Township of Tiny of all claims arising in relation to the Block Party Program provided such claims are not caused by the negligence of the Township of Tiny. The undersigned further agrees to be bound by this application and the Terms and Conditions contained herein and attached hereto, and hereby warrants and executes this event on behalf of the organizing group and has sufficient power, authority and capacity to bind the applicant(s) with his/her signature. The Township of Tiny hereby grants permission to hold a Block Party as outlined, subject to the Guidelines of this Program contained herein and attached hereto, all of which form part of this Agreement.
Sign above
Sign above