Movie screen set up outside in Perkinsfield Park

Movies in the Park

Event type

The Township of Tiny is excited to host outdoor family movie nights again this summer season. The series of seven family-friendly movies will be shown weekly throughout July and August at parks and greenspaces throughout the community.

Movies will begin at dusk (approximately 9:00pm) with seating starting at 8:30pm. All movies are free of charge and registration is not required. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own snacks, chairs and blankets. In the event of inclement weather, movies may be rescheduled or cancelled.

Click on a movie title below for more information.

Encanto (EN)Friday, July 15thTiny Soccer Pitches
La Course des Tuques (FR)Thursday, July 21stLafontaine Park
Kayak to Klemtu (EN)Friday, July 29thWyebridge Park
Moana (EN)Friday, August 5thPerkinsfield Park
Sing 2 (EN)Friday, August 12thPerkinsfield Park

Toanche Park
Daddy Day Care (EN)Friday, August 19thLafontaine Park
Noémie, Le Secret (FR)Friday, August 26thTiny Soccer Pitches