The link will be posted the day of the meeting at
The Township of Tiny is hosting three (3) additional Public Information Centres (PICs) to seek input on the public features the community would like to see in the Township of Tiny Administrative Centre (TTAC). The PICs will also provide an opportunity for feedback on the accessibility features of the facility. The first two PICs will be virtual on July 16 and July 23, 2024, and the third PIC will be hybrid (in-person and virtual) on July 31, 2024.
During the PICs, there will be a presentation that outlines a brief overview of the project milestones, and we will share interior and exterior renderings of the TTAC. The purpose of the PIC sessions is to seek constructive feedback from the community on the public features of the TTAC, such as: programming space (i.e. place for recreation programs, community events), public space (indoor and outdoor), and the accessibility features of each area.
The PICs will be live streamed and recorded for viewing following the PIC on the township’s YouTube channel.
Join us this evening for the first of three Public Information Centres (PICs) on the Township of Tiny Administrative Centre (TTAC).
To watch the virtual TTAC PIC this evening, you can view the livestream on our YouTube channel:
To ask written questions during the virtual PIC this evening, you can view the meeting on Zoom and type your question(s) into the Q&A function by using this link: