A women smiles while painting a canvas

Programs & Activities

We offer various recreational and community activities each season that enhance the quality of life and well-being of our users, while strengthening, supporting, and maintaining a healthy family of communities.

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Release and Registration Dates

Each season, the Township of Tiny prepares a Recreation Guide that is published online. In addition, printed copies are available at the Municipal Office, Community Centres, and local Seniors Centres.

The Guide is a complete overview of programs, services, and events offered by the Township; from children to older adults, there is something for every age group and interest!

Click each of the drop-down menus below to view our seasonal Parks and Recreation Activity Guides!

For information on Day Camp programs, please visit www.tiny.ca/camps

Sport Loaner Equipment Program

Each summer, the township makes various sport loaner kits available to residents as part of our Sport Loaner Equipment Program. Kits are free of charge and include all necessary sporting equipment as well as an information package with activity instructions. The program includes:

  • Pickleball
  • Soccer
  • Tennis
  • Bocce Ball
  • Sit and Spin
  • Disc Golf

The Sport Loaner Equipment Program is currently closed for the season. Thank you to everyone that participated during Summer 2024. We look forward to the return of this program in Summer 2025.

Program Information and Registration Forms