Consumer fireworks are outdoor low hazard fireworks generally used for recreational purposes, including firework showers, fountains, gold rain, lawn lights, pin wheels, roman candles, volcanoes and sparklers but does not include christmas crackers or caps for toy guns.
Setting Off Fireworks
In the Township of Tiny, Fireworks can only be set off on the following dates:
- Victoria Day
- Canada Day
- New Year's Eve
- New Years Day
The discharge of fireworks is strictly prohibited within the municipality outside of these four days.
In the event of inclement weather on Victoria Day or Canada Day, that make it impractical to set off fireworks, the next day following Victoria Day or Canada shall be designated the day.
Inclement weather such as rain or wind velocity is report to be greater than twenty (20) kilometres per hour.
Government of Canada Publications
Fireworks By-law Brochure 2021
12 03 2021 Press Release Township of Tiny Updated Fireworks By-law (002)
When a violation is actively happening, please call 705-526-4204 to submit a complaint in order to have an officer attend and gather best evidence.