The Municipal Law Enforcement (By-Law) Department and it's Officers are responsible for the enforcement of our municipal By-laws.
Enforcement of parking restrictions supports road safety, traffic flow, accessibility, emergency vehicle access and assists the Township in managing its maintenance standards.
View an interactive map of parking locations
Download a map of parking location
The Municipal Law Enforcement Department strives for a proactive parking enforcement approach in addition to responding reactively to complaints from the public on a seasonal enforcement coverage basis.
Should you have a parking enforcement complaint or concern, please call the Municipal Law Enforcement Department at (705) 526-4204. An Officer will be dispatched to the complaint and take appropriate action.
The Township of Tiny uses and payment can be made by either Visa or MasterCard. You will need your Ticket Number, the date of the infraction, your License Plate Number.
Parking By-law 20-015 stipulates a number of parking restrictions within the Township of Tiny. The below list is some of the most common violations.
- No person shall park a vehicle on a highway:
- in such a manner as to obstruct a sidewalk;
- within three (3) metres of a fire hydrant;
- within an intersection;
- within nine (9) metres of an intersection;
- or parking area for the purpose of displaying the vehicle for sale;
- and obstruct or park in front of any portion of a public or private driveway or laneway;
- a heavy vehicle on any highway or parking area, except for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or unloading, but not to obstruct traffic;
- or stand or stop a vehicle in such a manner as to interfere with the movement of traffic or the clearing of snow from a highway;
- or parking area or stop a vehicle where stopping is prohibited;
- or parking area where parking is prohibited;
- or leave any vehicle on the municipality's property where parking by the public is not authorized;
- where signs regarding Tow-Away Zones have been erected and are on display;
- where signs regarding Fire Access Routes have been erected and are on display;
- where signs regarding Disabled Parking have been erected and are on display, unless they display a valid Accessible Parking Permit;
- in a Permit Parking Zone without a Parking Permit;
- without paying for parking, where required at a Parking Machine;
- and repair, service or paint a vehicle on a highway; and
- that is an unlicensed vehicle, unattached trailer, object or other thing.
The Township of Tiny requests the co-operation of all motor vehicle owners in keeping vehicles from obstructing snow removal operations on all roads under the jurisdiction of the Township of Tiny.
Please be reminded that under Parking By-law Number 20-015, “No person shall park, stop or stand a vehicle on a highway in such manner as to interfere with the clearing of snow from the highway”.
Also, please be reminded that By-law Number 64-1458 prohibits the disposing or piling of snow from private property onto a Highway.
Additionally, Section 181 of the Highway Traffic Act states “No person shall deposit snow or ice on a roadway without permission in writing so to do from the Ministry or the road authority responsible for the maintenance of the road.”
Resident Parking
Resident Parking Permits are available to permanent and seasonal residents of the Township of Tiny. The first permit is free and the second is $30.00, with a maximum of two per property.
A Resident Parking Permit may be purchased online with a credit card. You will receive a temporary permit by email that can be printed and displayed on your vehicle's dashboard. Your permanent permit will then be mailed to you to replace your temporary permit.
A Resident Parking Permit may be purchased at the Municipal Administration Office with debit, cash or cheque. A copy of your tax bill or photo I.D. is required to verify proof of property ownership.
A Resident Parking Permit may be purchased by mailing in or dropping off a paper application with a cheque or exact cash to the Municipal Administration Office. A dropbox is located to the left of the front door that can be used if dropping off an application outside of regular office hours (Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 4:30pm).
Hourly & Daily Parking
Hotspot Parking App
Residents and visitors are able to use the HotSpot Parking app (available for Apple and Android) to pay for parking, providing users with greater flexibility to make payments, top-up additional time and receive reminders that time is about to expire.
Township of Tiny partners with HotSpot to launch new mobile payment option
Pay & Display Parking Machines
On-site Pay & Display parking machines may be used by anyone by purchasing and displaying a permit on the dashboard of a vehicle. Parking rates are $3.13 per hour, with a minimum $6.25 purchase and a $25.00 per day maximum fee. Pay & Display parking machines accept payments by coins and credit card. Pay & Display locations include Woodland Beach, Jackson Park, Balm Beach and Lafontaine Beach.
Veteran Licence Plates
Vehicles with an Ontario Veteran Licence Plate can park for free at Pay Parking Locations.
This exemption does not apply to Permit Parking or No Parking Areas. Please see the below Press Release for more details:
Press Release dated August 10, 2022 – Township introduces free parking for Veteran Licence Plates
Non-Resident Parking Permit
Non-Resident Parking Permits are available only to residents of the Town of Midland, Town of Penetanguishene, Township of Tay and the Township of Springwater.
For more information on Non-Resident Parking, please visit our Non-Resident Parking Permit page.
Special Occasion Permit Parking
The following permits are available to Township of Tiny Residents and Local Community Associations:
General Special Occasion Parking Permit
Minor requests of 3-15 permits (for 1-2 permits see Guest Parking Permits)
- Residents/Organizations are eligible to request up to 15 permits (maximum 3 days per permit), two times a year;
- Permit Fee of $15.00 per day, per vehicle;
- These permits are only valid in Open Parking, Permit Parking or Pay Parking Areas;
- Not valid in No Parking areas or private roads;
- Applications require 7 calendar days for processing (except if purchased in person at the office);
- Apply in person, by mail, online (temporarily not available) (not by phone)
- If approved, parking permit(s) will be mailed to the address the Township has on file for your property taxes.
Major requests of 16-50 permits
- In conjunction with the above Minor Permits, Residents/Organizations are eligible to request an additional 16-50 permits (maximum 3 days per permit), two times a year, at the Permit Fee of $5.00 per day, per vehicle.
- These permits are only valid in Open Parking, Permit Parking or Pay Parking Areas;
- Not valid in No Parking areas or private roads.
- Applications require 7 calendar days for processing;
- Apply in person, by mail, online (temporarily not available) (not by phone)
- If approved, parking permit(s) will be mailed to the address the Township has on file for your property taxes.
- Previously approved Associations or Organizations' events being reapplied for based on the same circumstances may be able to be re-approved for their next event. Please contact the Chief Municipal Law Enforcement Officer for more details;
- Permit Fee is: 1-15 permits $15/each, 16 or more permits $5/each;
- These permits are only valid in Open Parking or Permit Parking Areas in front of the Applicants address or nearest parking available;
- Not valid in No Parking areas or private roads;
- Applications may require considerable time for processing so please contact us early;
- Apply in person, by mail, online (temporarily not available) (not by phone)
NOTE: New requests from Associations or Organizations typically require Council discussion at the next scheduled Committee of the Whole Meeting. Please contact the Chief Municipal Law Enforcement Officer for more details.
- Residents are eligible to request 1-50 permits (maximum 3 times per year);
- Permit Fee is $4.50 per permit;
- These permits are only valid in Open Parking or Permit Parking Areas in front of the Applicants address or nearest parking available;
- Not valid in No Parking areas or private roads;
- Applications require 7 calendar days for processing;
- Apply in person, by mail, online (temporarily not available) (not by phone)
- If approved, parking permit(s) will be mailed to the address the Township has on file for your property taxes.
- Eligible to the following businesses that ONLY operate from a business address in the Township of Tiny:
- Contractors
- Electrician
- Plumbers
- Property Maintenance companies
- Paving companies
- Permit Fee is $100.00 per year;
- All company vehicles marked/decal with the business name (not by licence plate);
- These permits are only valid in Open Parking or Permit Parking Areas in front of the Applicants address or nearest parking available;
- Not valid in No Parking areas or private roads;
- Applications require 7 calendar days for processing;
- Apply in person, by mail, online (temporarily not available) (not by phone)
NOTE: All remaining businesses and contactors from outside of the Township of Tiny would use General Special Occasion Parking requests through the property owner where the work is being completed.
- Only Residents (not tenants or visitors) are eligible to request Guest Parking Permit(s) for use when family/friends visit unexpectedly.
- Maximum of 2 permits for a calendar day (between 8AM to 10PM);
- Up to 3 requests per summer;
- These permits are only valid in Open Parking or Permit Parking Areas in front of the Applicants address or nearest parking available;
- Not valid in No Parking areas or private roads;
- Guest Parking Permits are Free of charge;
- To request a Resident Guest Parking Permit please call 705-526-4136 and provide your:
- name,
- address,
- phone number; and
- license plate number for up to the 2 vehicles.
- Requests are not valid until an officer reviews the request and calls the applicant back to approve the location (may take a few hours);
- Should a Parking Ticket be issued before the Approval is granted, the vehicle owner will have to choose Options 1, 2 or 3 on the back of the Parking Infraction Notice.
- The temporary parking (less than 30 minutes) is permitted for an active Yard Sale;
- These permits are only valid in Open Parking or Permit Parking Areas in front of the Applicants address or nearest parking available;
- Not valid in No Parking areas or private roads;
Recent Parking Changes
Review additional information on specific parking enforcement programs, locations and initiatives.
The Township of Tiny is pleased to partner with HotSpot for the launch of its new mobile payment option. Beginning on Monday, May 30, 2022, residents and visitors in the Township will be able to use the HotSpot Parking app to pay for parking at all metered and pay-and-display parking machines in the municipality.
At the September 22, 2021 Committee of the Whole Meeting, Council reviewed Municipal Law Enforcement Report MLE-038-21 regarding Shelly Lane - Proposed Parking Restrictions. Subsequently, Council Approved Recommendation 299/21 at the October 13, 2021 Council Meeting.
At the June 30, 2021 Committee of the Whole Meeting, Council reviewed Municipal Law Enforcement Report MLE-028-21 regarding Emergency Access Roads - from Seneca Crescent to Chippewa Crescent. Subsequently, Council passed Resolution 292/21 and Parking By-law Amendment #21-066 at the June 30, 2021 Council Meeting.
- Municipal Law Enforcement Report MLE-028-21, Emergency Access Roads - from Seneca Crescent to Chippewa Crescent, dated June 30, 2021 (PDF)
- Approved Resolution #292/21, dated June 30, 2021 (PDF)
- Parking By-law Amendment #21-066, passed June 30, 2021 (PDF)
- Letter to area residents between Seneca Cres and Chippewa Cres dated June 4, 2021 regarding changes (PDF)
At the April 28, 2021 Committee of the Whole Meeting, Council reviewed Municipal Law Enforcement Report MLE-017-21 regarding Emergency Access Roads - from Seneca Crescent to Chippewa Crescent. Subsequently, Council passed Resolution 214/21 at the April 28, 2021 Council Meeting.
At the June 30, 2021 Committee of the Whole Meeting, Council reviewed Municipal Law Enforcement Report MLE-027-21 regarding Emergency Access Roads - Champlain Road (between #2525 and #2599) Peek-a-boo Trail (and all secondary roads). Subsequently, Council passed Resolution 291/21 and Parking By-law Amendment #21-065 at the June 30, 2021 Council Meeting.
- Municipal Law Enforcement Report MLE-027-21, Emergency Access Roads - Champlain Road (between #2525 and #2599) Peek-a-boo Trail (and all secondary roads), dated June 30, 2021 (PDF)
- Approved Resolution #291/21, dated June 30, 2021 (PDF)
- Parking By-law Amendment #21-065, passed June 30, 2021 (PDF)
- Letter to Champlain Road residents dated June 4, 2021 regarding changes (PDF)
- Letter to Peek-a-boo Trail area residents dated June 4, 2021 regarding changes (PDF)
At the April 28, 2021 Committee of the Whole Meeting, Council reviewed Municipal Law Enforcement Report MLE-016-21 regarding Emergency Access Roads - Champlain Road and Peek-a-boo Trail. Subsequently, Council passed Parking By-law Amendment #21-035 at the April 28, 2021 Council Meeting.
- Municipal Law Enforcement Report MLE-016-21, Emergency Access Roads - Champlain Road and Peek-a-boo Trail, dated April 28, 2021 (PDF)
- Approved Resolution #213-21, dated April 28, 2021 (PDF)
- Parking By-law Amendment #21-035, passed April 28, 2021 (PDF)
At the February 3, 2021 Committee of the Whole Meeting, Council reviewed Municipal Law Enforcement Report MLE-003-21 regarding Parking By-law Amendments. Subsequently, Council passed Parking By-law Amendment #21-011 at the February 3, 2021 Council Meeting.
- Municipal Law Enforcement Report MLE-003-21, Parking By-law Amendments, dated February 3, 2021 (PDF)
- Approved Resolution #063-21, dated February 3, 2021 (PDF)
- Parking By-law Amendment #21-011, passed February 3, 2021 (PDF)
At the November 30, 2020 Committee of the Whole Meeting, Council reviewed Municipal Law Enforcement Report MLE-032-20 regarding 2021 Parking Strategy Considerations. Subsequently, Council approved Resolution #364/20 at the December 21st, 2020 meeting directed to extend the Permit Parking Season (April 15 to October 15) and increase No Parking' Fines as outlined;
And that a report back on 'Targeted Open Parking Conversion to Permit Parking additional areas' be deemed not necessary at this time, with staff to proceed with Item 3) b. of the report;
At the October 28, 2019 Committee of the Whole Meeting, Council reviewed Municipal Law Enforcement Report MLE-041-19 regarding Thunder Beach Parking. Subsequently, Council approved Recommendation #322/19 on November 13, 2019 directing staff to proceed with Option #1 pending Budget Approval. On January 27, 2020 the 2020 Budget was passed and Centre Beach Road and Thunder Bay Lane parking changes received funding for the changes outlined.