For more information on the Licensing process, please visit our Short-Term Rental Licensing Webpage.
Council has directed Township Municipal Law Enforcement Officers to operate on a zero tolerance mandate (ie. No Warnings) relative to by-law infraction issues related to short term rentals where evidence supports a charge against the landowner and the renter.
Property owners renting their property and adjacent neighbour(s) are encouraged to discuss any rental concerns they may have with each other and must be aware of all applicable Townships By-laws. It is advisable that each neighbour exchange their contact information to continue dialogue on any concerns that may arise in the future. Those affected by a Short Term Rental may wish to also contact the listing rental company and understand their Rental Standards and Feedback process.
Additional Information
The following additional information is provided for your assistance:
At the November 1, 2023 Regular Meeting of Council, Council reviewed Municipal Law Enforcement Report MLE-011-23 regarding Fee By-law Amendment - Short Term Rental Licence. Subsequently, Council passed Fee Schedule Amendment By-law 23-066 at the November 1, 2023 Council meeting.
Fee Schedule Amendment By-law 23-066
11 01 2023 - Municipal Law Enforcement Report MLE-011-23 -Fee By-law Amendment - Short Term Rental LicenceAt the October 11, 2023 Committee of the Whole meeting, Council reviewed Municipal Law Enforcement Report MLE-010-23 regarding Short-Term Rental Licensing Update. Subsequently, Council approved a Resolution at the November 1, 2023 Council meeting.
MLE-010-23, Short-Term Rental Licensing Update, dated October 11, 2023Please see the Press Release included below regarding the launch of the Short-Term Rental Waitlist Application and Submitting Complaints.
08 08 2023 Press Release – Short-Term Rental Waitlist Application and Submitting Complaints.Please see the Press Release included below regarding the launch of the Interactive Short-Term Rental Accommodation Map.
11 17 2022 Press Release - Township of Tiny Launches Interactive Short-Term Rental Accommodation MapAt the November 9, 2022 Regular Meeting of Council, Amendment By-law 22-082 was passed:
Short-Term Rental Amendment By-law 22-082At the October 12, 2022 Committee of the Whole meeting, Council received a presentation from Sarah Hahn, Barriston Law – Legal opinion and Amendments on Short-Term Rental By-law. Subsequently, Council passed a Recommendation: THAT Draft By-law 22-082 will be on the Agenda for final consideration and formal passage at the Regular Meeting of Council on November 9th, 2022.
Legal Opinion from Sarah Hahn, Barriston Law, regarding proposed amendments to the Licensing By-law
Proposed Amendment By-law 22-082 - to amend the Licensing By-law
Approved Recommendation dated October 12, 2022 regarding the Legal Opinion and Draft By-lawAt the October 12, 2022 Regular Meeting of Council, Council will be receiving a staff report from Shawn Persaud, Director of Planning and Development regarding PD-042-22 Ontario Land Tribunal Appeal – Zoning By-law Amendment – Short Term Rental Accommodations.
Planning & Development Report PD-042-22 - Ontario Land Tribunal AppealShort-Term Rental Accommodation Licensing Program
Press Release dated August 23, 2022
The Township of Tiny has issued a Press Release regarding the Short-Term Rental Accommodation Licensing Program.
To read the full details see the attached
Township of Tiny launches Short-Term Rental Licensing ProgramAt the August 11, 2022 Special Council Meeting, Council received various deputations, a Presentation from Granicus and reviewed Municipal Law Enforcement Report MLE-013-22 regarding the Draft Short-Term Rental Licensing By-law, staffing implications and implementation plan. Subsequently, Council passed various Recommendations related to the Agenda items including:
THAT Municipal Law Enforcement Report MLE-013-22 regarding the Draft Short-Term Rental Licensing By-law, Staffing Implications and Implementation plan be received;
AND THAT staff be directed to proceed as outlined in the report and as follows:- to proceed with the Application for Short Form Wording and Set Fines as outlined in the report;
- to report back on a Terms of Reference for the Appeal Committee;
- to proceed with the hiring of a Building Official;
- to proceed with the hiring of a Fire Inspector;
- to proceed with the hiring of a Licensing Officer;
- to proceed with the hiring of a By-law Enforcement;
- to proceed with the Implementation Plan and Timelines section outlined in the report.
AND THAT By-law 22-017 being a By-law to Licence, Regulate and Govern Short-Term Rental Accommodations, as amended, be read a first, second and third time and passed this 11th day of August 2022;
AND FURTHER THAT By-law 22-064, being a By-law to amend the Township's Fee By-law 21-031 in relation to short-term rental application and appeal fees, as amended, be read a first, second and third time and passed this 11th day of August 2022.
AND FURTHER THAT staff be directed to develop a density policy for Council's future consideration.
Short-Term Rental Accommodation Licensing By-law #22-017 (Effective October 4, 2022)
Amendment By-law 22-067
Township Fee Schedule Amendment By-law #22-064
Council Resolutions – August 11, 2022
Township of Tiny launches Short-Term Rental Licensing Program
Virtual Special Meeting of Council
Thursday, August 11, 2022
Short Term Rentals
July 6, 2022 -Public Notice
TAKE NOTICE that a virtual Special Meeting of Council will be held on Thursday, August 11, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. regarding Short Term Rentals in the Township of Tiny, specifically an implementation report and licensing by-law for Council’s consideration.
For questions or more information:
Sue Walton, Director of Legislative Services/Clerk
Township of Tiny
130 Balm Beach Road West
Tiny, ON L0L 2J0
T: 705-526-4204 ext. 225
E: swalton@tiny.caPublic Notice- 07 06 2022 -Special Council Meeting - August 11, 2022
Agenda - August 11, 2022, Special Council Meeting - Short-Term RentalsVirtual Public Meeting
Wednesday, July 20, 2022 at 6:00 PMJune 23, 2022 - 12:00pm, Public Notice
The Township of Tiny has initiated a proposed Official Plan Amendment and a proposed Zoning By-law Amendment as it relates to Short-Term Rental Accommodations.
The Township will be holding a virtual Public Meeting electronically on July 20, 2022 at 6:00 PM under Sections 17 and 34 of the Planning Act, to consider the proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments.
Notice of Public Meeting of a proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment (PDF)
Questions regarding this notice must be directed to Sandra Mattson, Senior Planner.
At the June 8, 2022 Committee of the Whole meeting, Council discussed the “Strict Enforcement Policy” Subsequently, Council passed the following updated Policy: NOW THEREFORE it is recommended that Council directs Township Municipal Law Enforcement Officers to operate on a zero-tolerance mandate (i.e., No Warnings) relative to by-law infraction issues related to short term rentals where evidence supports a charge against the landowner and the renter.
Additionally, at the June 8, 2022 Committee of the Whole meeting, Council received a Legal Opinion from Sarah Hahn – Barriston Law, dated May 27, 2022 regarding Black Out Dates and Number of Guests. Subsequently, Council passed a Recommendation: THAT the correspondence dated May 27, 2022 from Sarah Hahn, Barriston Law, regarding a legal opinion on Short Term Rentals, specifically blackout dates and limiting the number of guests through a licensing by-law, be received as information.
Short-Term Rentals Legal Opinion – PUBLIC IN NATURE, Sarah Hahn – Barriston Law, dated May 27, 2022At the June 8, 2022 Council Meeting, Council Approved the Minutes, Recommendations and Resolutions from the Special Committee of the Whole meeting dated May 11, 2022. Through these approvals:
- the presentation from the Chair of the Short-Term Rental Accommodation Task Force was received as information;
- the Memorandum dated May 11, 2022 from MHBC Planning was received and that staff be directed to schedule a Statutory Public Meeting to present the draft Official Plan Amendment and draft Zoning By-law Amendment;
- staff directed to prepare a report on the implementation of a Short-Term Rental Accommodation Licensing Program including additional staff costs;
- staff directed to enter into an agreement with Granicus as part of the implementation program;
- staff directed to revise the draft By-law 22-017 to set the maximum number of licenses issued at 300 and set the occupancy capacity at ten people per Short-Term Rental or less as sewage system permits;
- Obtain a legal opinion on the implementation of a black out period prior to confirming the number of permitted rental days per year.
Special Committee of the Whole Agenda dated May 11, 2022
Special Committee of the Whole Report dated May 11, 2022
Special Committee of the Whole Approved Recommendations and ResolutionsAt the May 18, 2022 Council Meeting, Council Approved a Resolution regarding the Draft Short-Term Rental By-law and directed staff to proceed as outlined:
Approved Resolution dated May 18, 2022At the May 11, 2022 Special Committee of the Whole Meeting, Council reviewed various reports and public feedback on the subject of Short-Term Rentals which can be reviewed through the Agenda link below. Subsequently, Council passed Recommendations related to the reports which will be received at the May 18, 2022 and June 8, 2022 Council Meetings for ratification.
Special Committee of the Whole Meeting Agenda dated May 11, 2022At the March 21, 2022, Regular Meeting of Council reviewed and received correspondence dated March 17, 2022, and March 18, 2022, from Conner Harris, Rayman Beitchman LLP, representing numerous property owners in the Township of Tiny, including a member of the Short-Term Rental Accommodation Task Force
The matter of short-term rentals is top of mind to both Council and staff. At the August 11, 2021, meeting, Council appointed a Short-Term Rental Task Force to prepare an overall short-term rental regulation framework including Official Plan policies and zoning regulations. The Task Force will be developing both land use planning and licensing regulations for short-term rentals and these will be presented to Council once they have been drafted.
The Short-Term Rental Accommodation Task Force is comprised of up to four (4) non-elected citizen members [two (2) Short-Term Rental Property Owners and two (2) Non-Short-Term Rental Property Owners], the Chief Administrative Office as Chair, and two (2) elected members. Staff Representation will include a staff member from the By-law, Planning, and Fire Departments.
The objectives of the Task Force are as follows:
- To review the current short-term rental situation in the Township of Tiny and its impacts.
- To review the proposed Short-Term Rental Accommodation Licensing By-law and Renter’s Code of Conduct and to provide input and feedback.
- To review potential Official Plan and Zoning Regulations as part of the overall Short-Term Rental Regulation framework.
- To report to the Township of Tiny Council on findings and recommendation(s) as a result of the comprehensive review.
Agenda URL: URL: the August 11, 2021 Committee of the Whole meeting, Council reviewed Short-Term Rentals Legal Opinion – PUBLIC IN NATURE, Sarah Hahn – Barriston Law, dated August 11, 2021. Subsequently, Council approved Resolution #374/21 at the August 11, 2021 Council meeting that the legal opinion be made available to the public and for circulation to the Short Term Rental Accommodation Task Force.
Resolution #374/21 Approved August 11, 2021
At the August 11, 2021 Committee of the Whole meeting, Council reviewed Short-Term Rental (STR) Planning Opinion, Jamie Robinson - MHBC Planning, dated August 11, 2021.
Short-Term Rental (STR) Planning Opinion, Jamie Robinson – MHBC Planning, dated August 11, 2021
At the June 30, 2021 Committee of the Whole meeting, Council reviewed Planning and Development Report PD-030-21 regarding Short Term Rentals and Zoning By-law Regulations. Subsequently, Council approved Resolution #296/21 at the June 30, 2021 Council meeting that staff be directed that the Short-Term Rental Task Force Terms of Reference include potential Official Plan policies and zoning regulations as part of the overall Short-Term Rental regulation framework; AND THAT staff obtain a detailed planning and legal opinion on Zoning By-law regulations in terms of short-term rentals to assist the Task Force accordingly.
PD-030-21, Short Term Rentals and Zoning By-law Regulations, dated June 30, 2021
Resolution #296/21 Approved June 30, 2021
At the June 30, 2021 Committee of the Whole meeting, Council reviewed Municipal Law Enforcement Report MLE-029-21 regarding Short-Term Rental – Task Force Terms of Reference and selection process. Subsequently, Council approved Resolution #293/21 at the June 30, 2021 Council meeting that staff be directed to proceed with the Terms of Reference as amended and to advertise for Task Force members accordingly; AND THAT Councillors Cindy Hastings and Tony Mintoff be appointed as Council representation.
Resolution #293/21 Approved June 30, 2021
At the June 9, 2021 Committee of the Whole meeting, Council reviewed Municipal Law Enforcement Report MLE-021-21 regarding Short-Term Rental Accommodation Licensing By-law (Draft), Task Force & Enforcement Options. Subsequently, Council approved Resolution #269/21 at the June 9, 2021 Council meeting that staff proceed with the drafting of a Terms of Reference and the selection process for a Task Force for consideration at the June 30, 2021 Committee of the Whole Meeting; AND FURTHER THAT OPP paid duty be used accordingly to assist with enforcement related to short term rentals as per the Strict Enforcement Policy in the interim.
Additionally, Council approved Resolution #270/21 at the June 9, 2021 Council meeting that WHEREAS a Zoning By-law Amendment in relation to the regulation of short-term rentals was considered at the June 9, 2021 Committee of the Whole Meeting and deemed time sensitive in nature; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT staff report back on a proposed Zoning By-law Amendment to regulate short term rentals, to include enforcement and LPAT implications for the June 30, 2021 Committee of the Whole Meeting;
Resolution #269/21 Approved June 9, 2021
Resolution #270/21 Approved June 9, 2021
At the April 28, 2021 Committee of the Whole meeting, Council reviewed Municipal Law Enforcement Report MLE-018-21 regarding Short-Term Rental Survey and Feedback. Subsequently, Council approved Recommendation #215/21 at the April 28, 2021 Council meeting that staff be directed to draft a Short-Term Rental Licencing By-law and code of conduct, along with a report regarding the development on a short-term rental task force including representation and possible stricter enforcement options, for consideration at the May 19, 2021 Committee of the Whole Meeting.
MLE-018-21, Short-Term Rental Survey and Feedback, dated April 28, 2021
Recommendation #215/21 Approved April 28, 2021
At the February 24, 2021 Committee of the Whole Meeting, Council received a presentation from Samantha White, Granicus re: Host Compliance (Short Term Rentals). Additionally, Council reviewed Municipal Law Enforcement Report MLE-006-21 regarding Short Term Rental Licencing. Subsequently, Council approved Resolution #92/21 at the February 24, 2021 Council meeting directing staff to:- To proceed with the development and distribution of a public survey, including distribution to the various beach associations;
- To proceed with the drafting of a short term licensing by-law including a Renter's Code of Conduct after the public consultation process has been completed;
- To report back on next steps for the Summer of 2021 program with an implementation target date for the end of May;
- That Granicus – Host Compliance as a third party sole source provider not be utilized at this time;
- To continue the Strict Enforcement Policy approach at this time which targets the specific concerns raised while maintaining a cost effective response to this subject.
MLE-006-21, Short Term Rental Licencing, dated February 24, 2021
Presentation: Samantha White, Granicus re: Host Compliance (Short Term Rentals)
At the November 30, 2020 Committee of the Whole Meeting, Council received a presentation from Michael Wynia, Skelton, Brumwell & Associates Inc. re: Short Term Accommodations. Subsequently, Council approved Resolution #363/20 at the December 21, 2020 Council meeting:
Presentation: Michael Wynia, Skelton, Brumwell & Associates Inc. re: Short Term Accommodations
At the June 15, 2020 Committee of the Whole meeting, Council reviewed the various Power Point Presentations provided at the March 12, 2020 County of Simcoe Short-Term Rental Workshop. The County material was discussed in conjunction with the FoTTSA information and Recommendation #128/20.
County of Simcoe, Short-Term Rental Workshop, March 12, 2020
At the May 25, 2020 Committee of the Whole meeting, Council received a Deputation from Lynne Archibald, FoTTSA re: Short Term Rentals. At the June 15, 2020 Committee of the Whole meeting council discussed the FoTTSA presentation. Subsequently, Council approved Recommendation #128/20 at the July 6, 2020 Council meeting recommends that staff report back on a framework for registration and a licencing policy for short-term rentals, in conjunction with the Municipal Accommodation Tax.
Deputation, Lynne Archibald, FoTTSA re: Short Term Rentals, May 25, 2020
Approved Recommendation #128/20, July 6, 2020
At the October 16, 2019 Committee of the Whole meeting, Council reviewed Municipal Law Enforcement Report MLE-036-19 regarding Short Term Rental Properties. Subsequently, Council approved Recommendation #302/19 at the October 28, 2019 Council meeting directing staff to report back on what other Ontario municipalities are doing to regulate short-term rental properties with the aim to:
- Increase affordable housing;
- Increase municipal revenue through licensing/regulation;
- Decrease community disruption as a result of short term rentals;
AND FURTHER THAT the report include estimates of costs associated with implementing a licensing and regulation program.
MLE-036-19, Short Term Rental Properties, dated October 16, 2019
The Township of Tiny does regulate Short Term Rentals. Council understands that traditionally many residents seasonally rent their cottage/dwellings or lend them to family and friends during the summer months, which has been the common practice for decades. Based on the Township's 2011 legal opinion and more recently the Township’s 2021 legal and planning opinions, the Zoning By-law does not prohibit the use of a Dwelling Unit (Example: entire Cottage or Home) for any length of rental (Example: short term or long term). The rental must be based on rental of the full dwelling unit only. A room rental would be deemed similar to a Bed and Breakfast, Boarding House, or Motel which is only permitted on properties with the specific zoning permissions to allow said use. The Zoning By-law information is available on our website for review by clicking on the Zoning By-law Link.
The Township held a virtual Public Meeting electronically on July 20, 2022 at 6:00 PM under Sections 17 and 34 of the Planning Act, to consider the proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments.
Notice of Public Meeting of a proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment (PDF)
At the August 10, 2022, Regular Meeting of Council, Council Adopted the Minutes of the Planning Public Meeting on July 20, 2022, Planning Public Meeting:
Planning Public Meeting Minutes -July 20, 2022At the August 10, 2022 Committee of the Whole meeting, Council received a Presentation from Jamie Robinson – MHBC Planning, dated August 10, 2022, regarding Final Recommendations Short-Term Rental Accommodations Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments. Subsequently, Council passed a Recommendation THAT the memorandum dated August 10, 2022, from Jamie Robinson, MHBC Planning, regarding the final recommendations for the Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments related to short-term rental accommodations be received; AND THAT Council herein supports the proposed amendments with By-laws 22-060 and 22-061 to be presented at the August 31, 2022 Regular Meeting of Council for formal approval.
Short Term Rental Accommodation Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments - Final Recommendations, Jamie Robinson – MHBC Planning
Recommendation -Committee of the Whole of Council dated August 10, 2022 -MHBC PlanningAt the August 31, 2022 Regular Meeting of Council, By-laws 22-060 and 22-061 were passed.
Official Plan Amendment By-law 22-060
Zoning By-law Amendment By-law 22-061If you have a question about the Zoning By-law please call 705-526-4204.
The requirements for the sizing of onsite sewage systems are in the Ontario Building Code. The Code states that for residential dwellings the size of a sewage system is based on the number of bedrooms, finished area of the dwelling and the number of plumbing fixtures.
If there is a concern that a sewage system is malfunctioning anyone can contact the Township office and the complaint will be investigated. In addition to investigating complaints all sewage systems that are more than 10 years old are inspected every 6 years as part of the Sewage System Re-inspection Program. Here is a link to more information about the program: Septic System Re-Inspection Program.
The program was undertaken to encourage regular maintenance of sewage systems through mandatory inspections. Every sewage system requires regular maintenance to ensure it is operating efficiently and safely.
The Township of Tiny Noise By-law is available for download by clicking on the Noise By-law 21-028 Link. It is recommended that property owners renting their property may wish to post a copy of the Township Noise By-law or provide each renter with a copy when explaining the property rules. In the past, this has been extremely effective in ensuring voluntary compliance. A few by-law highlights include:
- The Noise By-law is in effect 24 hours a day;
- Loud music, yelling and shouting is prohibited;
- Fines range from $300.00 to $100,000.00 OR SUMMONS to appear in Court;
- Both the renter and property owner will be charged for any violations.
Click on the link to access more information regarding Noise Complaints in Tiny.
In order to have an Open Fire (campfire) on a property a Fire Permit must be obtained. The Terms and Conditions of the fire are outlined on the back side of the Permit. Before you set a fire it is your responsibility to know if a Fire Ban is in effect by calling 705-526-4204 / The following link will bring you to the Application Form and applicable details. A few by-law highlights include:
- Fail to obtain a Fire Permit $365.00 fine;
- Fire during Fire Ban or winds velocity over 20km/hr $180.00 fine;
- Fines range from $180.00 to $5,000.00 OR SUMMONS to appear in Court;
- Both the renter and property owner will be charged for any violations.
Residents may obtain Parking Permits to park at our various beach access or may be necessary for on-street parking if allowed in your area. Special Occasion Parking Permits are available for unique situations to provide residents with special exemptions. Please visit our Parking Information webpage for more details. A few by-law highlights include:
- Parking in Prohibited area $90.00 fine;
- Resident Parking Permits and Special Occasion Permits are available online;
- Parking along most shoreline roads is Prohibited or requires a Township of Tiny Resident Parking Permit.