The Township of Tiny Municipal Law Enforcement Department is responsible for the enforcement of the Township's By-laws. Our goal is to achieve compliance with the Municipal By-laws. All complaints are addressed as quickly as possible and in an impartial manner.
Municipal Law Enforcement Officers work on a complaint basis. When a complaint is received, an officer will investigate whether the complaint is a contravention to the By-law and the appropriate action will be taken to resolve the matter. Some of the most common complaints received are for Noise, Parking, Open Air Burning, Noxious Weeds and Clean Yards.
The volume of complaints fluctuates on a seasonal basis, thus the department coverage also fluctuates. During the summer, the department hires a number of summer students to assist with the influx of complaints received. Please see our current hours of operation on the Municipal Law Enforcement Home page.
Non-Urgent Complaints (online)
Example: Noxious weeds, clean yards, property standards.
Note: not Short-Term Rental - see accordion below
If a violation is not taking place right now, use the By-Law Complaint Submission Form. Online complaints are not checked 24 hrs a day. If the violation may be over by the time an officer sees your complaint, follow the urgent complaint process below.
Urgent Complaints (phone)
Examples: Fire infraction, excessive noise, illegal parking.
Note: not Short-Term Rental - see accordion below
If a violation is taking place right now, the best way to deal with your concern in a prompt manner is a phone call to (705) 526-4204. An officer will be dispatched to gather evidence on the issue.