Scheduled and Open Deputations are now in person, however, if you wish to appear virtually, you must pre-register with the Clerk's Department by 4:30 p.m. on Monday before the meeting. You will need a computer with suitable internet access, a microphone and webcam to participate virtually. Please register with Laura Russell, Deputy Clerk, at or Sue Walton, Director of Legislative Services/Clerk, at or by phone at 705-526-4204.
Scheduled Deputations to Council
In order to appear on the Regular Meeting of Council agenda, an individual must complete the Deputation Request Form as provided through the following link: Deputation Request Form (PDF)
Deputation Request forms and all pertinent documentation must be received no later than noon on the Tuesday of the week prior to the upcoming Council Meeting to appear at that meeting. Please review the requirements and guidelines included in the Scheduled Deputation Request Form for complete details.
Open Deputations to Council
Thirty (30) minutes of each Regular Meeting of Council will be set aside for individuals wishing to address Council on any item on the current Regular Meeting of Council and Committee of the Whole Meeting agendas. Open deputations are limited to 5 minutes. PowerPoint presentations are not permitted for open deputations and the individual is responsible for providing a copy of any handouts. The Township will not be responsible for duplicating presentation materials for open deputations. Handouts or notes will be provided to Council for their information and will not form part of the official agenda.
Open deputations will be received as information, unless otherwise directed by Council.
Please select the following link for the complete requirements and guidelines for Open Deputations to Council: Open Deputations (Requirements and Guidelines) (PDF)
For further information or to make a deputation request, please contact the Clerk's Department at 705-526-4204.
Correspondence and Petitions to Council
Correspondence addressed to the Mayor and/or Members of Council will be distributed directly to them.
Correspondence for a Council agenda must be received by noon on the Tuesday of the week prior to a scheduled Regular Committee of the Whole/Council Meeting. The Regular Committee of the Whole/Council Meeting agendas are published online. When communicating with the Township, be aware that your comments together with your name and address may be included on the Council and Committee of the Whole Meeting agendas and may subsequently appear online. Please Note: Correspondence addressed to the Mayor and/or Members of Council will not be included on a Council agenda unless the writer specifically requests inclusion on a public agenda.
Note for local associations: Correspondence from local associations, i.e. beach associations, property owner associations, require a copy of the motion passed by the respective board, including the meeting date and names of those who brought forth and seconded the motion. This additional information provides Council with confirmation that the issues and opinions presented are supported by the board and the association at large versus individual opinions.
The Clerk and Chief Administrative Officer reserve the right to withhold any correspondence from the agenda.
Petitions must be submitted in accordance with the Township's Petition Policy. Please select the following link for the Petition Policy and Related Form: Petition Policy and Form
Mailing Address
Mayor and Members of Council
Township of Tiny
c/o Clerk's Department
130 Balm Beach Road West
Tiny, ON L0L 2J0
Please contact the Clerk's Department at 705-526-4204 if you have any questions about the Council meetings or correspondence to Council.
Flag Raising & Proclamation Requests
The Township of Tiny receives numerous annual requests from organizations for proclamations and flag raisings. In order to ensure that your request is processed, please consider the following information. Proclamation and/or flag-raising requests approved within the past five years should be forwarded directly to the Office of the Mayor through the Clerk’s Department for approval. Proclamation and/or flag-raising requests that have not been approved within the last five years will be received by the Clerk's Department and placed on a Council agenda for consideration. Please ensure that your request is submitted in time to be considered for two Council meetings prior to the anticipated proclamation date or flag-raising ceremony.