New home construction of a house

Building in the Township of Tiny

Are you planning to buy a property? Build a new dwelling or to renovate an existing building? Have questions about a planning application such as a minor variance or severance? Make your first stop the Building in Tiny online resources. 

Whether you have questions about zoning, seeking to understand of the building application process or are looking to book an inspection for an existing permit, there is significant information available that can assist you. Take the time to review our online resources that will help you gain information on the types of considerations you should include in your planning and what processes will be required to see your plans through.

    Getting Started

    Learn about the steps involved in getting your project off the ground.

    Land Use Planning

    Land Use Planning

    Understand the municipality's Official Plan and Zoning By-law and how it may impact your project.

    Installing Septic Systems

    Learn about septic requirements, get a permit or book an inspection for your project.


    Building Permit Applications

    Get a building permit or book an inspection for your project.
