Municipal Law Enforcement Update August 30 to September 2, 2024

image of the front office sign with no message and the large pine trees
September 3, 2024 - 12:43pm
Press Releases

(Tiny, Ontario) Over the period of August 30 to September 2, Township of Tiny By-law Officers were on full patrol responding to calls ranging from noise, fire, and dogs.

Offence Type


Parking Control By-law – Various Offences


Dogs By-law - Permit Dog on Balm Beach Between June 1st and September 30th


Clean Yards – Fail to Keep Land Clear of Refuse


Parks – Have Barbeque Upon Balm Beach


Township By-law Officers patrolled 531km throughout the municipality via bicycles. A total of 49 complaints were responded to for various concerns.

Interim Control By-law

The Interim Control By-law 23-044, as amended, prohibits the erection of any structure, fence, or sign through the duration of this by-law. This includes, but is not limited to, boathouses, retaining walls, patios, landscaping, decks, fences, walls, or shoreline alteration that are in proximity to the 178-metre contour elevation of the Georgian Bay Shoreline. Before you construct, visit for more information.

If you have witnessed a violation of the Interim Control By-law and wish to file a complaint, please contact the Municipal Law Enforcement Department at 705-526-4204.

Temporary Beach Encroachments

Residents and visitors are reminded that personal items/private property cannot be left unattended or on municipally owned property overnight. Personal property also cannot be stored on municipal property. Examples of personal items include but are not limited to:

  • chairs
  • tables
  • watercraft
  • boats and their launches/docks/lifts
  • decks/platforms
  • fire pits
  • umbrellas and tents
  • kayaks; and
  • paddleboards

Personal items left on municipal property will be labelled with a yellow warning tag and must be removed within seven calendar days. Where a tagged item is not removed within seven calendar days, the municipality will remove the items and store them at a municipal facility to allow property owners to recover their items. If the items at the municipal facility are not claimed by the owner within 30 days, the items will be disposed of.

For more information on Temporary Beach Encroachments please visit:

Concerns regarding non-compliance can be reported to the Municipal Law Enforcement Department at 705-526-4204.

Fire Rating

The fire danger rating expresses a variety of factors that could increase the threat of an open fire, such as ease of ignition, wind speed, precipitation levels, and difficulty of control. There are four levels: Low, Moderate, High, and Extreme (Fire Ban). Depending on the fire rating level, having a fire may not be permitted.

Please call the township at 705-526-4204 for the most up-to-date fire rating or visit for more information about the different fire rating levels and what is or is not permitted.

Fire Permit Reminder

All property owners in the township are required to obtain a fire permit before having any outdoor fires. The cost is $30.00 per calendar year, plus a 5 per cent processing fee for online transactions (from the township’s payment service provider). A fire permit may be purchased online with a credit card at: The fine for failing to obtain a fire permit is $365.00, or a Summons to appear in court. 

Concerns regarding non-compliance can be reported to the Municipal Law Enforcement Department at 705-526-4204.

Fall Enforcement Coverage Hours

September 3 to November 7, 2024 

7 days a week (9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.) 

By-law Information and Complaints

Any questions or concerns regarding by-laws can be forwarded to the Township of Tiny Municipal Law Enforcement Department at 705-526-4204. After hours, please contact the OPP non-emergency number at 1-888-310-1122 for assistance with urgent concerns or matters.

To review the township’s by-laws, visit:

To review the By-law Coverage Hours, visit:

To review By-law Enforcement Activity Reports, visit:

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