Person signing a document.


At Council Meetings, the Mayor and Members of Council discuss and act on matters of importance to the municipality and its residents. The powers of Council are exercised by either by-law or resolution. A resolution is an expression of the decision or wishes of Council which has been submitted in the form of a motion and has been adopted by majority vote.

In more important matters and where the action to be taken will affect the general public, the powers of Council are exercised by by-law. By-laws are laws that are in effect only within the boundaries of the municipality. While a municipality may pass by-laws on many matters, the provincial government places limits on the actions a municipality may take. A municipality may pass by-laws only on matters that the province has given it authority to do.

Council of the Township of Tiny passes Confirmatory By-laws at the end of each meeting confirming all proceedings of Council including resolutions and directions.

Corporate Accountability and Transparency Policy