Township of Tiny makes improvements to Tiny Connect notification services

banner introducing voyent alert as the township's new notification service provider
January 28, 2025 - 10:02am
Press Releases

(Tiny, Ontario) The Township of Tiny is pleased to announce that we are making improvements to our Tiny Connect mass notification system. On February 3, 2025, the Township of Tiny will be moving to using the service provider known as “Voyent Alert!” for Tiny Connect notifications. 

What is Tiny Connect?

The township uses a mass notification system known as Tiny Connect to send messages to the community about various events, initiatives, and activities in the municipality. Users can subscribe to custom alerts such as recreation and community events, public works notices such as road closures and beach notices, fire bans, and job and committee opportunities. 

The tool can also be used to provide information during an emergency which will go to all subscribers to provide the latest safety information.

What does this mean for Tiny Connect subscribers?

All current users of Tiny Connect will be moved to the new system, and there is nothing required from residents for this move. If you would like to update your preferences, simply visit and follow the prompts. 

Prior to migrating, staff will send a message to all Tiny Connect contacts to advise of this change. On February 3, 2025, Tiny Connect users will receive a welcome message to the new system so that all of our subscribers can see the enhanced notification templates and options. 

What improvements can users expect? 

One of the most significant improvements for Tiny Connect users is the introduction of a mobile app in addition to text, email, and voice call options. The mobile app will provide users with instant access to enhanced rich media such as pictures, colour coded messages, maps, and location-specific notifications. 

These features are available through text and email but require the users to click on additional details. 

If you would like to move to the mobile app experience, users can easily merge their accounts or reach out to the Communications Officer for assistance (contact information below). 

“Tiny Connect is our primary communications tool that helps our community stay informed about all that is happening in Tiny,” said Mayor David Evans. “We’re excited that these enhancements to our Tiny Connect services such as the new mobile app will assist us in reaching more residents. If you haven’t signed up to receive notifications, I encourage you to visit our website and register.”

To learn more about these Tiny Connect improvements, to sign up as a new user, or to learn about switching to the mobile experience, visit
