Township of Tiny’s Public Works crews working to reduce snowbanks and improve sightlines amidst higher-than-normal snowfall

February 4, 2025 - 10:33am
Public Notices

In January 2025, some areas of Tiny experienced snowfall amounts that more than doubled the community's typical January average of 79.8 cm. As a result of these historic snowfalls, residents are facing increased snow accumulation in driveways, higher snowbanks, narrower roads, and reduced visibility at intersections.

The township would like to assure residents that municipal crews are actively working to cut back snowbanks to maintain the widest possible roads (weather permitting). However, snow storage capacity is limited. The township will prioritize reducing snowbanks in areas where road widths are narrowing or where sightlines are obstructed. 

Residents are responsible for maintaining the driveway entrances, including the removal of snow accumulation resulting from snowfall or plowing activities. The township will not clear snow or ice from the area between the traveled portion of the roadway and the resident's property line.

The township maintains our roads to the Minimum Maintenance Standard (MMS) as per O. Reg. 239/02 Minimum Maintenance Standards For Municipal Highways, which outlines the township’s obligations for road, sidewalk, and bridge maintenance. In the rare instance when the township cannot meet the MMS, a public notice will be issued.

Winter reminders:

  • parking on the roadway to interfere with snow removal is prohibited
  • avoid pushing snow from driveways onto the road or across the road 
  • place garbage bins within driveways, at least 8 feet away from the travelled portion of the road, and not on any sidewalks to ensure they do not get damaged by snowplows 

Thank you for your cooperation as we work to ensure safety and accessibility throughout Tiny.