Hybrid Meeting
- Township of Tiny Council Chambers located at 130 Balm Beach Road West
- Zoom (link will be posted the day of the meeting on the home page of our website)
- YouTube (for viewing only): https://www.youtube.com/@TinyTownshipLive
The Township of Tiny is hosting two (2) hybrid Public Information Centres (PICs) to seek input on the township’s draft Dynamic Beach Management By-law and related updates to the township Zoning By-law 22-075 and Official Plan.
The Dynamic Beach Management By-law is intended to sustainably manage development activity in the township’s shoreline area to protect the natural features of Tiny’s dynamic beaches. Prior to this by-law being drafted, the township had enacted an Interim Control By-law that prohibits the erection of any structure, fence, or sign, and alteration of the shoreline throughout the duration of the Interim Control By-law.
During the PICs, there will be a presentation that outlines a brief overview of the project milestones, and we will seek feedback on the draft Dynamic Beach Management By-law and associated updates to the township Zoning By-law and Official Plan.
Anyone interested in participating can join us in the Council Chambers or on Zoom. The Zoom link for each PIC will be made available on the homepage of our website at www.tiny.ca – through this link you will be able to ask questions or provide feedback virtually on the draft Dynamic Beach Management By-law.
For those that just want to watch the presentation, you can view the livestream or a recording of the PIC will be made available after the session on the township’s YouTube channel.